Our Blog is designed to keep you up to date with developments of Spanish law and news.

You will also find some of our Top Tips for different areas of law to give you some key advice when requiring legal services in Spain. If you cannot find what you are looking for or would like to discuss a matter further, please contact us.


Andalucia Increases Inheritance Tax Threshold to One Million Euros!

Inheritance Tax Andalucia

29 September 2017 | Tags: , , ,

It’s always nice when the tax burden lightens and this is a good time to say thank you to the Junta de Andalucia for making a forward looking move when they finally agreed to change the rules over inheritance tax.


A Place in the (Spanish) Sun


6 September 2017 | Tags: , ,

We will be heading to Birmingham on 22-24 September and Glasgow 28-29 October. The team will be sharing insights and the key facts about buying a property in Spain.


A Place in the Sun – here we come!

26 July 2017 | Tags: , ,

After the success for our 8th visit to A Place in the Sun in May in London, My Lawyer in Spain will be visiting A Place in the Sun in September in Birmingham!


Tips Before You Buy a Property in Spain

Spain is Breaking all the Records

2 June 2017 | Tags: , , ,

So, you’ve decided to buy a Spanish property. If you take your time and do your homework, it could be one of the best decisions you ever make. Here are our 6 top tips to help you with the planning process before you even start to view properties.


Claiming Off Plan Property Refunds

How to Claim off plan in Spain

31 May 2017 | Tags: ,

On 21st December 2016 the Spanish Supreme Court established that banks are responsible for the reimbursement of money paid by off plan property buyers when the compulsory bank guarantees have not been issued.


What is “PLUSVALIA” and how much do you need to pay?

What is Plusvalia and how much do you need to Pay?

7 May 2017 | Tags: , ,

On 21 December 2016 when everyone was getting ready for Xmas and the El Gordo Lottery, the Supreme Court of Andalucia surprised the Spanish legal world! A company had purchased some land for 14.2 million euros and had been ordered to pay the sum of 185.025 euros in plusvalia even though the land had been sold at a loss for just 3,5 milion euros.


My Lawyer in Spain heading to A Place in the Sun!

A Place in the Sun 2017

15 March 2017 | Tags: ,

For the 8th year running, My Lawyer in Spain will be again taking a stand at A Place in the Sun Exhibition taking place from 5 – 7 May in Olympia, London.


Andalucia Increases Inheritance Tax Threshold

Inheritance in Spain

31 January 2017

As of 1 January 2017, inheritance tax in Andalucia has changed and the burden of tax becomes lighter for direct relatives inheriting assets located in Andalucia.


The Benefits of Having a Spanish Will

Benefits of Having a Spanish Will

23 January 2017

If you have assets in Spain whether it be a bank account, property, shares or even a car, it is strongly advisable to have a Spanish will.


Spanish property prices keep growing

21 November 2016 | Tags:

Latest data shows that the second quarter of 2016 witnessed a 3.8 per cent increase, lower than Jan-Mar figures but still higher than the euro zone average of 2.9 per cent.


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Thank you to all your colleagues for making the purchase of the apartment in Torreblanca so easy and stress-free for my wife and myself.

Mr Geary