Interesting Spanish divorce stats

21 November 2016 | Tags:

The Catalan people are those that most often break their matrimonial relationships in Spain: last year this independent community showed records of the highest rate of break ups, separations and divorces. According to the latest report released by the National Statistics Institute (INE) it happens to 2.6 people of every 1000 residents.

The national average is 2.2 per every 1000 residents. Castilla-Leon has shown the lower figure at 1.6 per every 1000 people.

During 2015 there was a total of 101.357 cases of break ups, separations and divorces, which represented a rate of 2.2 per each every 1000 inhabitants. The total number of cases showed a decrease of 4.3% over the previous year. The number of divorces fell by 4.2% (96.562 cases) and separations by 7.6%. Whilst, the break up cases increased by 27.4%, although, this represents merely 0.1% of the total.

The average duration of marriages used to be 16 years, much higher than the figures shown in 2014. Marriages dissolved by divorce lasted on average approximately 16 years, whilst the duration of those dissolved by separating marked an average of 22 years. Meanwhile, the average time between marriage and its break up declaration was 7 years. 31.7% of divorces occurred after 20 years of marriage and more, whilst 22.7% happened between 5 and 9 years.

The average age of people that decide to put an end to their relationships marked 46.5 years and the majority (42.9%) had no children. Marriages with more than two children were the most reluctant to separate: only 5% of them did it at the end, which stands for 2618 couples. By contrast, among marriages with descendants, those who most often divorce are those with children- only 46% of the total of 23.233 marriages.

While from 3.677 same sex couples married in 2015, 877 of them have already divorced. For heterosexuals the figures showed 162.571 marriage and 95.685 divorces. Those couples consisting of two men registered 489 separations and those formed by two women marked the number of 388 break ups.

My Lawyer in Spain

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My Lawyer in Spain

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