What is a Power of Attorney in Spain?

2 February 2021 | Tags: , , , ,

We set up a seminar to answer your questions about Powers of Attorney in Spain and provide tips and advice. The seminar covers the following questions which our Clients submitted prior to the webinar:-

  • What is a power of attorney and who should you give it to and how to revoke?
  • What are the different types of powers of attorney?
  • Can I sign a Power of Attorney in front of my Solicitor / Lawyer?
  • I have a Power of Attorney which was signed by my mother in the UK authorising me to sell her property in Spain, since then my mother has become mentally ill, can I still use this Power of Attorney?
  • What requirements are necessary to have a Power of Attorney signed abroad and yet valid in Spain?
  • I am an Executor in charge of dealing with a Spanish Estate.   Can I sign a Power of Attorney to authorise the Spanish lawyer to sign the paperwork to complete the probate in Spain, or does the Power of Attorney has to be signed by the beneficiary?
  • Can I include an expiration date in the Power of Attorney? And can I limit it to a certain matter or property?
  • My father passed away and left the Spanish property to me and my daughter, she is minor.  We need to sign a Power of Attorney to authorise the Spanish lawyer to sell the Spanish property, can my daughter sign it?
  • Can I sign the Power of Attorney during my trip to Spain?
  • I am based in Cyprus and I am selling the Spanish property so I signed a Power of Attorney following my lawyer’s advice but I am told it is not valid even if I met a notary public here.  Please advise whether this is correct.

Watch the video for answers to your questions and do contact us at My Lawyer in Spain if you need a Power of Attorney, or have concerns over a document you have already signed.

Alex Radford

Written by:
Alex Radford

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