Our Blog is designed to keep you up to date with developments of Spanish law and news.
You will also find some of our Top Tips for different areas of law to give you some key advice when requiring legal services in Spain. If you cannot find what you are looking for or would like to discuss a matter further, please contact us.
Ask My Lawyer in Spain – Economic Measures for Businesses & Self Employed

My Lawyer in Spain team are holding weekly question and answer sessions to talk about all things related to You and the Law in Spain. This week we talk about the Economic measures brought in for Businesses and self-employed workers
Update from My Lawyer in Spain – COVID 19

The state of alarm that has been declared in Spain is expected to last until 11 April 2020 although it will not come as a surprise if this is then extended, possibly until the end of April. Let us wait and see.
Ask My Lawyer in Spain!

In response to the current ‘state of alarm’, My Lawyer in Spain are pleased to announce a series of free online webinars called ‘Ask My Lawyer in Spain’.
Divorce in Spain: Child Maintenance

Divorce and finance can be difficult matters, more so when dependant children are involved but do not despair, the Spanish legal system is sympathetic and fair if approached in the right way.
5 things you should know about the floor clause

Much has been written recently about the floor clause (Clausula Suelo) in Mortgages. My Lawyer in Spain investigate what this is and how you can find out if you have one.
Tips Before You Buy a Property in Spain

So, you’ve decided to buy a Spanish property. If you take your time and do your homework, it could be one of the best decisions you ever make. Here are our 6 top tips to help you with the planning process before you even start to view properties.
Guide To Inheriting Spanish Property – Steps 4 To 6

Our Spanish abogada and specialist in Spanish wills and inheritances, continues her series on inheriting in Spain with Steps 4 through 6. It is a guide that advises on the action to take when a friend or relative has unfortunately passed away.
Step-by-Step Guide To Inheriting Spanish Property

Our Spanish abogada and specialist in Spanish wills and inheritances, kicks off her series of articles about inheriting in Spain with a step-by-step guide of the action to take when a friend or relative has unfortunately passed away.
Divorce & Property in Spain: Your Questions Answered

We look at questions relating to divorce under Spanish Law, and the main differences with UK proceedings for divorce.