Obtain NIE Number

The NIE is an all-purpose identification and tax number in Spain.

It is also known as a “numero de identificacion de extranjeros”, or: identity number for foreigners.

It is a document that you will require in order to pay taxes in Spain upon the purchase or inheritance of a property or to open a bank account or incorporate a company.

If you have decided to buy a Spanish property or move to Spain, get ready by signing a power of attorney so we can obtain your NIE (Spanish Tax ID Number) and open a Spanish bank account.

You will need an NIE number for any official or legal process in Spain. The number is for each individual and cannot be used to identify anyone but yourself.

Number of Applicants Cost
1 person 395 Euros (in addition, you will pay notary fees in your home country)
2 people 495 Euros (in addition, you will pay notary fees in your home country)

If you would like to instruct us to obtain your NIE Number for you, please complete the form below and arrange payment. Please send us copies of the photo pages of your passports by emails to enquiries@mylawyerinspain.com.

(Note: Our fees do not include the Notary costs for signing the Power of Attorney. The Power of Attorney can be signed both in Spain or in your own country.)

NIE Number Application form

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