Signing Power of Attorney

Interested in buying a Spanish property or moving to Spain? Want to get things moving?

If you have decided to buy a Spanish property or move to Spain, get ready by signing a power of attorney so we can obtain your NIE (Spanish Tax ID Number) and open a Spanish bank account.

Even if you have not yet found your dream Spanish property, we can help you get to stage 1 so that when you do find your property, you are ready to complete the purchase promptly.

Having these documents in place shows the seller that you are a serious buyer.

Number Cost
1 Power of Attorney (for up to 4 people) 315 Euros
2 Powers of Attorney (for up to 4 people) 495 Euros

If you would like to instruct us to draft the power of attorney for you, please complete the form below and arrange payment. Please send us copies of the photo pages of your passports by emails to

Power of Attorney Application form

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We know you will want to know how much your legal advice will cost, so we are committed to confirming costs of our services to you in writing.

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“Having been nervous about buying a property overseas, your team soon put our minds at rest.”

Mr & Mrs Crick