Incorporating a Spanish Company

Do you require a Spanish Limited Company? Would you like to incorporate a Spanish company with a foreign company as its main shareholder?

We would be pleased to assist you with the incorporation of a Spanish limited company to either buy property or to do business in Spain. In order to assist you with this you will need to:

Once we have the above completed forms and the payment, we will apply for a company name in the name of one of the shareholders. Companies House will issue a certificate with the company name.

The power of attorney will need to be signed before a local public notary by at least one of the shareholders or directors and then stamped with the apostile of the hague and sent to us.

Once we receive the power of attorney we will open a provisional bank account in the name of the company and an initial payment of 3000 Euros will need to be transferred over to this account as the opening share capital for the company.

The bank will issue a certificate confirming the share capital and with the power of attorney and certificate from companies house with the company name we can incorporate the company before a local notary. After we have signed the deed of incorporation of the company we will apply for the CIF number (tax number) for the company, pay the stamp duty and register the company at companies house and provide the bank with the completed registration of the company at companies house.

Step by step Spanish limited company incorporation process

  • Complete online form with proposed company names, directors and shareholders details;
  • Complete draft power of attorney online;
  • Sign our terms of business online and upload copies of passports of the directors and shareholders;
  • Make online payment of 1,500 Euros
  • We will check the power of attorney to incorporate the company and send you the final version by email;
  • Sign power of attorney before a local notary and arrange for power of attorney to be stamped with the apostile of hague and returned to us;
  • We will apply for the proposed company name;
  • Using the power of attorney we will open a bank account in the proposed company name;
  • Using the power of attorney we will apply for an NIE number (tax number) for the person(s) who signed the power of attorney;
  • Arrange a transfer of a minimum 3000 Euros to the company account
  • We will sign a deed of incorporation of the company;
  • Apply for the CIF number for the company;
  • Register the company at Companies House;
  • Provide you and the bank with the deed of incorporation

What are the costs of incorporating a Spanish SL?

  • Company name certificate
  • Notary fees for deed of incorporation
  • Companies House fees
  • Legal costs
  • Incorporation tax of 1% on share capital

Total 2000 Euros including legal costs with IVA of 1028,50 Euros

How long will it take?

The above process can take between 15 and 45 days. Buying an off the shelf company is not any faster. If your company meets the new company incorporation regulations then incorporation could take place in a day. Please contact us for more information about this.

What will I receive?

  • Company name certificate
  • Deed of incorporation of company
  • Standard articles for the company
  • Company CIF
  • Registration at the Mercantile Registry
  • Form 600 (stamp duty)
  • Form 036 (tax registration)

Tax & accounting obligations for a company in Spain

The tax year runs from 1 January to 31 December. Every quarter and yearly you will be required to file tax forms.

Company address

You will require a Spanish address for your company. If you choose to use our accounting services then our address may be used for your registered address.

Minimum share capital

The minimum sum of 3000 Euros must be transferred into the Spanish bank account and can be withdrawn once the company is finally registered.

If you wish to discuss the incorporation process or appropriate structure, please contact us.

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Mr Geary